Moama on Murray Resort
Just across the border of New South Wales and Victoria is the small tourist haven of Moama. In 2015, Solar Panel Options senior consultants Steve and Ashley, who live in Moama’s twin-town Echuca, spoke with John Nunan, who owns and manages the resort.
This fantastic resort includes 130 individual villas, a function centre, sporting fields, pools, a children’s play centre and a water play park. However, such a large site with so many features comes with a costly electricity bill.
Our first installation for John totalled just under 100kW, with panels installed on multiple rooflines including the reception office, children’s play centre and laundry hut. John was so happy with the results that he ordered a second 100kW system at the site and began assessing solar for his other accommodation businesses around Australia. The second 100kW was installed using a ground mount system as we had exhausted all other common area roofing and John wanted to preserve the style of his villas. As such, we organised the required trenching to accommodate the ground mount system on John’s behalf.
After having the systems installed for almost two years, John’s savings look set to be close to $100,000. Moama also has some of the highest sunshine yields throughout the year, so with almost 600 panels installed, Moama on Murray Resort will be providing its own power for decades to come.
As a bonus, John’s positive and pro-active approach to installing solar is always great to work with.